Scientific and Educational Challenges in Georgia and Its Economy
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The most significant aspect of the current study is represented by the fact that it closely analyses the most influential variable education and its effect on the Georgian economy. Thus, the essence of the problem is mainly originated from the current state of the Georgian education system, alongside with the level and the scale of government participation towards science development. Consequently, identified challenges and given recommendations can be much more fruitful not only for the development of the longterm scientific policy in Georgia, but also for the strategic improvement of the country's general economic and educational attitudes.
Accordingly, the paper initially implies the Bibliometric methodology that includes a combination of text and information study-measurement approach, in which the indicators are used to assess and analyze scientific domains. Moreover, by using citation, contextual and graphical analyses it provides the best country selection process for research purposes.
More importantly, the current study shows that while the Pre-primary and primary education (GFS code 7091, ISCED-97 level 0 and ISCED-97 level 1) expenditure is considered vital for all study participating countries, the Georgian state budget for education does not provide any funds towards mentioned component. The study also found that compared to other six research involved nations, the Georgian authority attributes significant funds towards the Secondary education (GFS code 7092, ISCED-97 level 2 and ISCED-97 level 3) expenditure component. Whereas, according to the latest international research findings this is the segment where Georgia underperforms most.
The third major problem identified during the study is high level of spending associated with the Education not elsewhere Classified (GFS code 7098) expenditure component, so called bureaucratic costs, which are growing at a colossal rate and, according to 2017 data, it accounts about 25% of total education expenditures.
More importantly, the paper targets not only those authorities whose prime goal is to allocate funds and establish specific educational policies, but it closely touches representatives of academic field by indicating those problematic issues towards which educational institutions must work and be striving to accomplish.
Crucially, the results of current research widely assist in identification of the necessary trends needed to detect and pay close attention on the Georgian educational issues and to consider the practice of foreign successful analogues and provides several recommendations on that matter.